Sunday, May 9, 2010

More from the Web

Online classes ( haven't taken any of these, so I'm not endorsing any in particular, just sharing the information.)  Would love to hear others you might know about or have taken as well as art tutorials Leave me a message with the link.

Is celebrating the opening of her BlogShop

Mother's Voice
Marilyn Tullys

In my heart are messages
which often I replay,
Treasured guidance wisely stored
to guide me on life's way.
Words which parted wrong from right
stay with me from my youth,
Words which taught a preference
for kindness and for truth,

Counsel and encouragement
for purpose that's fulfilled,
Soft echoes of phrases meant
to undergird and build.

In my heart are messages
which urge for Godly choice.
Within the caring lines inside,
I hear my mother's voice. 

Happy Mother's Day to all moms of the world.
Here are images as my gift to you, via Crafty Secrets.


Rustique Gal said...

Nelly, What sweet images these are. I hope you had a lovely Mothers' Day too. I will check out your links. Have a great week!

desde my ventana said...

Your images are so,so lovely.

marie said...

Love these sweet images ~ thank you for sharing and thank you for visiting my blog! Good luck in the giveaway.

Nishant said...

What sweet images these are.
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