Monday, November 24, 2008

Many Things to be Thankful For

My family and health
New job for husband (after being unemployed for over a year)
My job
(I'm still there despite recent layoffs in my company)

Other family members and friends and their support during this trying year.
I'm thankful for the many friends I've met in the blogsphere.

I'm thankful for these friend's never-ending generosity to this virtual stranger.
I'm thankful for their talents which allow me to learn art and be inspired each day.

My 3 dogs. They are such valuable therapeutic beings for me.
Riptheskull for these neat vintage postcards.
Some more of the bear postcards, Sorry to get them to you out of order, if you want the whole week, there is Monday and Wednesday in my older posts. The rest coming soon:
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nelly---I could not BEAR to be withouth you and these adorable postcards in my life & files!
Thank you so much, Nola